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Avea Solutions Blog

How To Have A Happy, Healthy Holiday While In Recovery

Dec 20, 2018 11:08:52 AM / by The Avea Solutions Team

The Avea Solutions Team

How To Have A Happy, Healthy Holiday While In Recovery

 For some, the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year; but for those in recovery, the season can be a stressful period fraught with triggers. Whether you're in recovery yourself or want to support a loved one who is, we've assembled some resources with tools for having the happiest, healthiest holiday possible:

The Struggle Addicts Face During The Holiday Season, And How You Can Help (Insider)

"The holidays can be a challenging time for anyone, whether they suffer from addiction or not," said Lawrence Weinstein, chief medical officer for American Addictions Centers. "Family, for example, can bring about stresses that may trigger relapse in a person in recovery and could exacerbate substance use for someone in active addiction."

Tips For Protecting Your Sobriety During The Holidays And Preventing Relapse (Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation)

You might be spending your holidays away from your addiction recovery support system and sober routines, which can make you more vulnerable to relapse. Holiday customs, childhood memories and annual gatherings that are closely associated with drug or alcohol use can also tug at your emotions and put your recovery at risk.

Holiday Challenges To Addiction Recovery (SMART Recovery)

December is here and opportunities for urges and cravings seem to be everywhere. SMART volunteers have put their heads together to offer some suggestions to help you navigate this month’s challenges.


Further Reading:

-  3 Questions To Determine If A Billing Company's The Right Fit For You

3 Ways Electronic VOB & Eligibility Saves Money & Time By Finding The Right Fit

- Aspen Ridge & Avea: Sharing A Vision

- Why AveaOffice?


Topics: Addiction Recovery