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Avea Solutions Blog

Billing for Telehealth in Addiction Treatment Services


Necessity is the mother of invention – or perhaps in these times, a reinvention of your practice. There are rapid changes being made at the federal and state levels to expand options for telehealth in the Behavioral Health and SUD space so that patients can continue to receive essential healthcare during this crisis. With technology, it’s possible to continue your life-saving programs and we’re here to help you through the transition.

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What Is Behavioral Health Carve-Out...And How Does It Affect You?

What are behavioral health carve-outs and how does it affect you?

Behavioral health and physical health traditionally have been treated differently by U.S. payers and providers. As a result, behavioral health services may face different billing situations, such as behavioral health carve-outs.

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Can Telehealth Be Utilized Successfully In Addiction Recovery?


Every day in the United States, over 130 people die of an opioid overdose. Prescription drug abuse and addiction has become a severe national crisis with devastating consequences that not only affect public health, but social and economic welfare as well. Politicians and healthcare professionals are striving to spread awareness and have put various initiatives in place to tackle the crisis. The healthcare industry has implemented a number of recovery methods for substance abuse treatment and continues to search for innovative ways to tackle the nationwide epidemic.

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Here's Why Medical Necessity is Essential


In 2019 and beyond, treatment centers of excellence must do everything they can to ensure patients are receiving the care they need, while also verifying that it can be obtained properly and legally. And the best way to do that if the appropriate units of care are being denied? By appealing. 

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How Telemedicine Is Disrupting The Mental Health Industry


“Too many Americans are suffering, and far too many are not receiving the treatment they need to live healthy and productive lives,” said Paul Gionfriddo, Mental Health America president and CEO.  One in five American adults is diagnosed with a mental health disorder, and over half of the U.S. adults with a mental health condition do not receive proper treatment.  

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You're Only As Smart As Your Reporting


Reporting has never been more important in behavioral health than it is right now. The ability to understand and forecast your collections and reimbursements is paramount to a healthy behavioral health practice and even healthier patients.  

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Three Benefits That Come From Escaping Excel Hell



Let me tell you about one of the scariest places in the world. A place from which it feels there is no escape…where you feel as if you're stuck in quicksand...a place that was once so promising, but that now leaves you feeling confused and defeated.

Welcome to Excel Hell.

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How To Get The Most Out Of Your Behavioral Health Conference Experience

 Stanley Rokaw, far right, in his natural habitat. 


Before attending the Treatment Center Investment & Valuation Retreat (TCIV) in Scottsdale next week, Stanley Rokaw, Avea’s Principal Product Manager,  shares some thoughts and tips from his experiences as a behavioral health conference veteran.

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3 Methods For Reducing Write-Offs And Creating Cash Flow Consistency


Write-offs have, unfortunately, become the norm for behavioral health facilities these days. Many treatment centers lack the tools that are pivotal for fighting incorrect denials and poor reimbursements; others simply lack the necessary infrastructure for creating consistent revenue and avoiding excessive write-offs.

That being said, here are some tools that will help reduce your write-offs in 2019:

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3 Changes For Strengthening Your Billing Company Relationship 


In our new blog series, "Your Billing Company & You," we’ll be framing the relationship between providers and billing companies as just that…a relationship. We all have experiences in relationships, whether with friends, family, or romantic partners. Thinking of being in a relationship with your billing company is a useful exercise that can help you see them in a new light. This is relevant to all providers, whether you’re thinking of signing with a new company, maintaining your relationship with your current billing company, or considering “breaking up” and moving on to something new. Regardless of where you're at in your relationship, we’ll have some useful information for you!

"How can I make your life easier?" Easing your partner's stress will likely ease your own in the bargain. This is as true for a marriage as it is for the treatment center/billing company dynamic. A "take, take, take" mentality will only strain the ties that bind; think instead of checking in with your billing company to see what you can do on your end to make their load a little lighter. 

Here are three things you can do to make your billing company's job a bit less complicated, which will set you up for greater success in turn. 

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