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Avea Solutions Blog

LIVE WEBINAR: Why Does Outcomes Data Matter?

Nov 9, 2017 1:37:50 PM / by Greg Goode

Greg Goode


Why does outcomes data matter


Monday, November 13th | 1 pm EST / 10 am PST


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In this webinar, Daniela Luzi Tudor and Matthew Meiklejohn of WEConnect will cover how outcomes data can serve as the foundation for supporting relapse prevention and data-driven aftercare planning.  

“Why Does Outcomes Data Matter?” will explore the components that create legitimate outcomes data and the powerful impact it has on providers, clinicians, and patients.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the critical role technology can play in aiding relapse prevention
  • Summarize best practices for leveraging technology to obtain verified outcomes data
  • Describe the overall value of outcomes data for payers, providers, and families







Daniela Luzi Tudor is the co-founder and CEO of WEconnect Recovery, and creator of the WEconnect mobile app and outcomes data platform, an on-the-go custom support and connection system for those in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. These ventures are guided by Ms. Tudor’s core mission: to utilize technology’s vast potential to promote physical and spiritual health. Ms. Tudor’s belief in the combined power of art, music, and technology to build communities and solve problems stems from her own experiences with overcoming adversity.


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Matthew Meiklejohn is the Director of Engagement at WEconnect Recovery. WEconnect puts tools for drug and alcohol addiction recovery into the hands of patients, which in turn reduces relapse and improves outcomes data for payers and providers. Matthew has held numerous positions on the operations and marketing side of the addiction treatment field.


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Topics: Industry Shifts, Avea Partners, webinar

Greg Goode

Written by Greg Goode