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Avea Solutions Blog

Moments of Change 2018 In-Review

Oct 10, 2018 7:53:44 AM / by The Avea Solutions Team

The Avea Solutions Team

 Moments of Change 2018 In-Review


We can’t believe Moments of Change is over again for another year. It’s always so inspiring to meet up with valued partners within the beautiful surroundings of The Breakers hotel in Palm Beach, Florida every fall, and without fail it always goes by way too fast!

The conference got off to a great start with our win at the 2018 MOC golf tournament! Our CEO Ben Dittman and sales expert/links master Raul Nunez teamed up with Steadman Nall and Josh Foster from JourneyPure to tackle The Breakers' 18 holes (the oldest course of its kind in Florida). 
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For Katie Wilson, a member of our sales team, attending conferences like Moments of Change is incredibly rewarding. “It makes me feel like I have more of a purpose in my job than I’ve ever felt before,” she said. “I’ve always liked the work I’ve done in the past, but going to conferences really helps me understand the kind of impact you can have on peoples’ lives.”


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"The big takeaway for me is the need for us to work together in a very divided industry,” Dean Fitch, Director of Business Relations, said regarding his experience at the conference.  “There’s been issues with broken trust, so regaining integrity is a big thing…too many people are going shallow, not deep. What does it mean where you spend your money? How you train your staff? How you do your billing? These are incredibly important questions within our space, and it was great to meet likeminded individuals with the same concerns and drive to truly make a difference in behavioral health.”
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For her part, Katie found the industry's greater focus on data-driven approaches notable.
 "Analytics can really allow people to know the impact their treatment is having. Using technology to support treatment is something most people at the conference seemed to agree will only become more widespread in the years ahead."
If we missed you at Moments of Change, let's change that! 
Curious about maximizing your revenue intelligence? Let us put our passion to work for you. Feel free to reach out today. 

Topics: Addiction Recovery, Conferences